RobbDogg's Rips

Serving the online community to bring awareness to political and social issues affecting Liberals and Progressives. Podcasts are posted every Monday morning and original commentaries are posted throughout the week.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Call To Action: Save Social Security

I received this email from Sojourners yesterday afternoon...

Dear Robbie,

Take a break from this summer's heat wave and help shape the debate on Social Security.

The discussion about Social Security raises fundamental moral questions about government and the common good; about how we honor commands to "Honor your father and your mother" and care for those in need.

The current focus on privatization in the Social Security debate is too narrow. Private accounts gamble with Social Security's basic guarantee. They threaten the safety net for too many, cut benefits, and do not address the coming Social Security shortfall or extend the program's solvency. This affects us all. YOU can help protect the guarantee.

»Click here to sign our petition.

Without Social Security, nearly half of elderly Americans would be in poverty. For nearly two-thirds of the elderly, Social Security provides the majority of their income. Over one-third of benefits from Social Security go to non-retirees: widows, the disabled, and low-income kids. YOUR voice can help protect them.

Tell members of Congress to read today's issue of Roll Call (a leading Capitol Hill paper) and spend their August recess reflecting on five principles for keeping Social Security's promise for all God's people.

With this Roll Call ad, Call to Renewal and Sojourners have launched a campaign to save Social Security. We need YOUR help! In coming weeks, we'll offer ways to lift YOUR voice by:

  • Helping us place another national ad to "put a face on Social Security."
  • Joining a Social Security birthday party near you on August 13 or14.
  • Attending a town hall meeting sponsored by the faith community.
  • Visiting elected leaders in their home states.

For today, simply join - and start shaping - the discussion. Tell your members of Congress YOU will be watching.


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